Category Archives: Assisted Livinf Facility
3 Easy Tips to Keep Your Memory Sharp
Have you ever experienced short memory lapses? Do you recall that instance wherein you are engaged in a conversation with a new person and in the next few minutes you just completely forgot his or her name? How about that specific instance wherein you went to the kitchen to get something but you could not … Continue reading
Posted in Assisted Livinf Facility
Tagged Alzheimer's Care, assisted living, Dementia Care, Elderly Care, memory care facility
Common Misconceptions About Assisted Living
What do we really know about assisted living? Is it similar to a home care provider? Is it another term for nursing homes? We have heard about assisted living but we never got the right information up until today. You are planning to get a personalized senior care for your senior loved ones but you … Continue reading
Posted in Assisted Livinf Facility
Tagged activities for seniors, assisted living, nursing facilities, Senior Care